Environmental Health & Safety

How do I dispose of hazardous chemical waste?

  • Select a waste container that has a tight fitting screw cap or lid, and is compatible with the waste it will contain. If you do not have the correct waste container, contact EHS for assistance.
  • Label the container with  the complete chemical name of the waste.  Do not use abbreviations, trade names, chemical formulas, or chemical structures. If the waste is a mixture of chemicals, list each component and their relative concentrations. EHS provides Hazardous Waste labels upon request.
  • Place the labeled container in the satellite accumulation area located in the laboratory or in the adjacent support suite. Satellite accumulation areas are marked bins provide by EHS.
  • Chemical waste containers should be considered full when the container is 90% full. When a waste container is determined to be full, write the date on the container and place it in the Satellite Accumulation Area.
  • EHS collects waste placed in Satellite Accumulation Areas during weekly rounds. You can also contact EHS to arrange a special pickup if necessary.

For additional information, refer to the Laboratory Safety Manual or contact EHS.

How do you become a Supervised User of radiation if you are a graduate student, undergraduate student, or volunteer?

With the help of the Approved User who will be supervising your work, complete a Radiation User Authorization Form as well as a Personal Monitoring Services Form and send the completed form as an email attachment to safety@gmu.edu.

In order to become a supervised user, the following requirements must be met:

  • 8-hours of initial Radiation Safety training must be completed. The Radiation Safety Officer will contact you in regards to registering for training once your Radiation User Authorization Form has been received.
  • You must be listed on an approved protocol under an Approved User.

How do you become an Approved User of radiation if you are a Principal Investigator, Laboratory Supervisor, or Course Instructor?

Submit a completed Radiation Registration form along with a Radiation User Authorization Form to labsafe@gmu.edu. The Radiation Registration form should outline the proposed work with radiation and safety and security procedures that will be utilized in the laboratory. Your registration will be reviewed by the Radiation Safety Officer as well as the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC). After successful completion of training and approval of the proposed work by the RSC, you will be authorized to use radiation and to supervise graduate students, undergraduate students, and/or volunteers in their use of radiation.

Does EHS have a survey meter that I can borrow?

Yes, survey meters are available to Approved Users. Approved Users may request a survey meter and arrange to pick one up by contacting EHS. Approved users may also choose to use their own survey meters. Any meter that is used as part of compliance with the radiation safety program must be calibrated annually. EHS can coordinate the calibration, including cost, of any survey meter which is to be used as part of the radiation safety program. To request calibration please contact EHS.

Do I need a radiation badge?

The Radiation Safety Officer issues dosimetry badges to personnel based depending on the work being performed and the materials being used. Complete a Personal Monitoring Services Form and attach to an email sent to safety@gmu.edu.

How do I ship hazardous materials? Do the regulations apply to very small quantities?

The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates shipping of all hazardous materials, even small quantities. The regulations are quite complex, and require training and certification in order to ship hazardous materials. EHS staff coordinate and ship hazardous materials for university activities. Please contact EHS at least two business days in advance to coordinate hazardous materials or research material shipment. Please also refer to the Hazardous Materials Shipping and Receiving Guide.