Environmental Health & Safety

What steps can I take to minimize pollution and be compliant with environmental regulations?

The largest contribution to pollution that most individuals make is the amount of trash, paper, and chemicals generated by business and personal activities. Reducing consumption, recycling, and using less harmful or better engineered products such as recycled paper, less hazardous chemicals or naturally safe alternatives, and using energy efficient equipment, are the best ways to reduce pollution.

George Mason University is subject to a variety of environmental regulations, most of which address the management of hazardous materials, emissions, and protecting the natural landscape during development. If you are concerned about waste materials that you generate, please contact EHS to discuss proper disposal or recycling options. Contact EHS if you have specific questions about environmental regulations and how they apply to your activities or George Mason University.

What programs does George Mason University have in place to prevent pollution or control emissions?

Facilities Management has undertaken several programs and implemented best practices to prevent pollution and control emissions. Clean burning natural gas is used to heat campus buildings, and all generators and equipment use ultra-low sulfur fuel wherever feasible.

All new buildings are designed to meet new standards for energy efficiency. All new office and industrial equipment purchased should be Energy STAR rated by the EPA and Department of Energy. Staff and students receive commuter benefits such as free transportation on the Fairfax County CUE bus, and George Mason University encourages employees to telecommute when possible. George Mason University has increased public transportation services between campuses and to campus from public transportation hubs in an effort to reduce the amount of traffic on campus and reduce emissions.