Environmental Health & Safety

Does EHS provide training on how to respond to emergencies?

EHS provides Emergency Preparedness Workshops.  These workshops provide instruction on how to prepare for and respond to various emergencies.  The workshops can be tailored to a department’s individual needs.  To request a workshop for your department, contact EHS at safety@gmu.edu.

How do I register for fire extinguisher training?

Fire extinguisher training is available to everyone at George Mason University at no cost. For a list of training sessions or to register for training, visit ehs.gmu.edu/training.

How do I register for CPR/AED and First Aid training?

CPR/AED and First Aid training are available at no cost to some members of the university based on their job function. Please contact EHS at (703) 993-8448 or safety@gmu.edu for more information.  Local CPR training opportunities can be found on the American Heart Association website.