Environmental Health & Safety

How do I dispose of infectious waste or regulated medical waste?

Any waste that has come in contact with potentially-infectious materials should be placed in a red bag with the biohazard symbol.

Regulated medical waste should be autoclaved. If the waste cannot be autoclaved (e.g., mixed with a chemical, is an animal carcass, or is from a clinical space), it should be placed in a burn box for incineration offsite.

  • Autoclave
    • Use an autoclave meant to treat waste (will have a sticker on it that says “waste autoclave only”)
    • Autoclave material for 2 hours at 121oC at 15psi.
    • Fill in the logbook with date, time, your name, type of material treated, and approximate weight of treated waste.
    • Place autoclaved waste in an orange bag.
    • Affix a label indicating the waste has been treated and write the date on it.
    • Take the waste to the dumpster.
  • Burn box
    • Tape bottom and side seams of box.
    • Line with 2 red bags with the biohazard symbol.
    • When 75% full, seal both bags.
    • Do not fill more than 40 pounds.
    • Close box and tape shut at seams.
    • Contact EHS for pickup.

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