Environmental Health & Safety

How do I properly dispose of hazardous materials?

EHS oversees the management of hazardous substances and waste generated by facility maintenance, laboratory, and support operations. EHS has programs to help manage, store, collect, and dispose of hazardous chemical, biological, and radioactive materials. All hazardous waste should be managed in the following manner:

  • Collect hazardous wastes in a tight sealing container that is compatible with the hazardous materials it is intended to store.
  • Label the exterior of the container with the complete chemical name(s). Do not use abbreviations, trade names, chemical formulas, or chemical structures.
  • If broken glass or sharp objects are present, place them in a solid container such as a box or bottle. Sharps containers are available from EHS-Laboratory Safety for collection of needles or other sharp objects. Broken glass boxes are also available from EHS-Laboratory Safety.
  • Contact EHS-Laboratory Safety at labsafe@gmu.edu to schedule a pickup.

If you or your department generates hazardous waste on a routine basis, please contact EHS. EHS has additional programs, supplies, and support to help you properly manage hazardous waste.

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