Environmental Health & Safety

Ionizing Radiation

George Mason University is licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia to use ionizing radiation and radiation-producing instruments for research. The use of ionizing radiation is overseen by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) in compliance with regulatory requirements set forth by the Virginia Department of Radiological Health. All use of radioactive material and radiation producing instruments must be registered with and approved by the RSO.

Laboratories conducting work with ionizing radiation must:

  • Understand their roles and responsibilities in the laboratory;
  • Understand the specific risks associated with the type of radiation they are using;
  • Understand the necessary controls and restrictions for work with radiation;
  • Register their work with the Radiation Safety Officer;
  • Comply with policies and procedures outlined in the University Radiation Protection Plan and/or X-ray Safety Guide;
  • Maintain accurate inventory and disposal records;
  • Develop and follow standard operating procedures for use of materials;
  • Maintain current radiation safety training; and
  • Properly secure and shield RAM in their possession.

George Mason University Radiation Protection Plan

George Mason University X-ray Safety Guide

Virginia Department of Radiologic Health