EHS works closely with many departments at George Mason University, and sometimes it’s hard to tell which office you need help from. Often times it’s a combination of many! You are more than welcome to contact us if you are unsure, but we’ve also created this Who Do I Contact? resource to help. Browse through the categories below to find the point of contact for your need.
To report an emergency situation on campus, please dial 911 from any university phone, or dial the University Police directly at 703-993-2810.
Chemical Inventory / EHSA
Question | Guidance |
Who do I contact regarding using EHSA for chemical inventory, or regarding specific questions about the chemicals in my inventory? | Contact the Chemical Safety Manager, John Crocker, at 703-993-1766 or [email protected] for guidance on using EHSA for chemical inventory or for specific questions about the chemicals in your inventory. |
Related: For more information about chemical inventory, please visit the EHS-Chemical Safety webpage by clicking here. |
Emergency Equipment: AEDs, Fire Extinguishers, and Fire Alarms
Question | Guidance |
Who can I contact to request a replacement for an old AED battery? | Contact EHS with the following information: contact name, phone, email, and the location of the AED. |
How do I report an AED alarm? | Contact EHS and report the location of the AED that is alarming. |
Who can I contact with questions about fire alarms / fire drills? | Contact EHS for assistance with any questions or concerns relating to fire alarms or fire drills. |
Who can I contact with questions about fire extinguishers? | Contact EHS for assistance with any questions or concerns relating to fire alarms or fire drills. |
Related:For more information about emergency equipment at George Mason University, visit the EHS-Emergency Management website by clicking here. |
Event Resources
Question | Guidance |
I am having a blood drive and I was told by Events Management to contact your office to make sure there was nothing I had to do before my event. | Please contact EHS and provide your name, contact information, and blood drive details. We will have the appropriate personnel contact you. |
I have an Events Checklist that needs to be signed. Can you help me? | There are no appointments necessary to have the checklist signed. We are located in Police & Safety Headquarters (near the Rappahannock parking deck and across from Merten Hall) on the second floor. EHS office hours are from 8:30am to 4:30pm. If there is no one available to sign your checklist, you may drop it off with your name and telephone number at the front office to be signed. Someone will contact you within 24 hours to pick-up. |
Who do I need to contact for approval to use fireworks at my event? | All aerial fireworks, flame effects, indoor use of pyrotechnics (i.e. flame or spark producing devices) must be permitted by the State Fire Marshal’s Office. The Pyrotechnics (Fireworks) Display Guide provides information on how to complete an Aerial Firework Application. |
Golf Carts
Question | Guidance |
I have a question about golf carts on campus. Who do I contact? | Parking services can better assist you. You may contact them via email at [email protected] or by phone at 703-993-2710. |
Ice / Snow Removal
Question | Guidance |
I have a concern about ice or snow causing a hazard on a walkway or other area on campus. Who can I contact to have the snow/ice removed? | For ice or snow removal, contact Facilities Management at 703-993-2525. |
Shipping and Receiving Hazardous Materials
Question | Guidance |
Who do I contact for questions about shipping or receiving hazardous materials? | Send an email to EHS-Laboratory Safety or call 703-993-8448 for more information. |
How do I place a request for EHS to ship a hazardous package? | Complete a Shipment of Hazardous Material Form and submit to EHS at [email protected]. |
Smoking On Campus
Question | Guidance |
I have a question about smoking on campus. Who do I contact? | Any complaints about smoking, e.g., how far someone should be from the building while smoking, excessive cigarette litter around public areas, or areas where smoking is and is not permitted, should be directed to Human Resources at 703-993-2600. |
A cigarette receptacle is smoking or on fire, what should I do? | If you believe there is a fire, please call 911 immediately from a university phone or 703-993-2810 from a cell phone in order to contact University Police. |
Spill Response, Waste Pickups, and Waste Containers
Question | Guidance |
Who do I contact for help with a spilled material? | If the spilled material cannot be contained, is unknown, is highly volatile or toxic, or may impact human health or the environment, please report the spill to University Police immediately by dialing 911 from any university phone or dial (703) 993-2810 from a non-university phone. DO NOT attempt to clean up the spill. You can respond to small incidental spills of a known material (less than one gallon of a hazardous chemical and less than five gallons of oil) in your work area. At a minimum, you should have completed either Hazard Communication Training or Laboratory Safety Orientation Training. Refer to the safety data sheet (SDS) before responding to a chemical spill to ensure that you understand the hazards presented by the spill and are equipped with proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies. |
Who do I contact for waste pick-ups? | Contact EHS by phone (703-993-8448) or email to request a waste pickup. |
Where do I put my lab waste? | Contact the Chemical Safety Manager, John Crocker, at 703-993-1766 or [email protected] for guidance on laboratory waste disposal. |
Who can I contact for replacement of hazardous waste containers? | To order chemical, biological, or radiological waste supplies, contact EHS and provide a brief description of the container or supply you are ordering. Please give information regarding the material, color, capacity, and anything specific about the item. Also provide your name, building, laboratory room number, and a phone number where you can reached for supply drop-off. |
Who can I contact for burn box pickup? | Contact EHS by phone (703-993-8448) or email to request a burn box pickup. |
Who can I contact to pick-up broken glass containers? | Housekeeping removes broken glassware boxes from laboratories. However, housekeeping will not remove overfilled boxes or boxes that are dangerous to handle (i.e., shards of glass sticking out of the sides or glass protruding from the opening). Contact Housekeeping to learn more about broken glass disposal. |
How do I request a 5 gallon waste bucket? | Contact EHS-Laboratory Safety by phone (703-993-8448) or email to request a waste bucket. Please include your contact information and the name and location of your laboratory. |
How can I request liquid/solid waste containers? | Contact EHS-Laboratory Safety by phone (703-993-8448) or email. Please include your contact information. |
How can I request a replacement sharps container? | Contact EHS-Laboratory Safety by phone (703-993-8448) or email to order a replacement sharps container. Please include your contact information and the name and location of your laboratory. |
Related: Visit the Environmental Compliance Program's FAQ page to learn more about the proper disposal of hazardous materials. |
Workplace (Occupational) Health Concerns
Question | Guidance |
I smell an odor in my office and/or building. Who should I contact? | If you smell gas/propane, please call EHS at 703-993-8448 as soon as possible with the exact location, contact name, and phone number and vacate the space. If you smell an odor other than gas/propane, you can either call 703-993-8448 and give the contact name, phone number, location of the smell, and concern or contact our office via email with the same information. |
Who can I contact to have the ventilation system checked for my workspace? | You may request an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Investigation by filling out an IAQ request form and emailing it to [email protected]. |
I think the air in my workspace is contaminated and gives me headaches. Who can I talk to about air quality assessment? | You may request an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Investigation by filling out an IAQ request form and emailing it to [email protected]. |
Who can I contact for an ergonomic evaluation of my or my employee's workspace/workstation? | Please email your request to [email protected] with the following information: contact name, phone, email, and workstation location (building and room #). |
Who can I contact for an evaluation of the noise levels in or around my workspace/workstation? | Your supervisor may request an Occupational Noise Evaluation by filling out a noise evaluation request form and emailing it to [email protected]. |
Related: For more information on occupational health, please visit the EHS-Occupational Health program webpage by clicking here. |