Environmental Health & Safety

What do I do if I see a fire or hear a fire alarm?

If you discover a fire:

  1. Activate the fire alarm by using a manual pull station.
  2. If you are trained to use a portable fire extinguisher and are confident you can extinguish the fire, do so.
  3. Make sure that individuals around you are aware of the evacuation.
  4. Assist persons who are in need of direction or aid.
  5. Leave quickly in an orderly manner using the nearest emergency exit.
  6. Do not use elevators during an emergency evacuation.
  7. If you are unable to exit the building, proceed to the nearest Area of Assistance and emergency response personnel will provide assistance as necessary. Call the University Police by dialing 9-1-1 and provide your name, contact information, and your location.
  8. Close doors as you exit the building.
  9. Once outside the building, go to a Designated Assembly Area and wait for further information.
  10. Follow instructions from emergency response personnel and university officials.
  11. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by University Police, emergency response personnel, or university official.

If you hear a fire alarm:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Make sure that individuals around you are aware of the evacuation.
  3. Assist persons who are in need of direction or aid.
  4. Leave quickly in an orderly manner using the nearest emergency exit.
  5. Do not use elevators during an emergency evacuation.
  6. If you are unable to exit the building, proceed to the nearest Area of Assistance and emergency response personnel will provide assistance as necessary. Call the University Police by dialing 9-1-1 and provide your name, contact information, and your location.
  7. Close doors as you exit the building.
  8. Once outside the building, go to the Designated Assembly Area and wait for further information.
  9. Follow instructions from emergency response personnel and university officials.
  10. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by University Police, emergency response personnel, or university official.

For further information about emergency evacuations please see the Emergency Evacuation Guide.

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