Environmental Health & Safety

Animal and Vivarium Safety

In accordance with the NIH’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, OSHA, and the National Research Council, annual training on risks associated with handling animals is provided for individuals who work with or in the vicinity of laboratory animals. This training reviews the risks associated with handling animals in the research laboratory environment, vivarium facility safety procedures, zoonotic diseases, personal protective equipment, animal waste handling & disposal, laboratory animal allergens, and required medical surveillance. This training must be renewed every three years. To register, click here. Please note that we are modifying our training registration system. Training registration will be available on August 1, 2022. Thank you for your patience.

Autoclave Equipment

Autoclave Equipment training is a one-time training that is offered as needed to personnel that require additional information regarding the use or maintenance of the autoclave. This training is normally given as a component of Biosafety Training but is available for personnel that have compliance issues or that did not attend Biosafety Training. Autoclave Equipment training outlines the regulatory requirements for treating regulated medical waste. To register, email EHS at [email protected].

Biological Safety for BSL-2 Laboratories

All individuals working in BSL-2 laboratories must receive Biological Safety for BSL-2 Laboratories and Laboratory Safety Orientation training before beginning work with infectious materials. A laboratory is designated as BSL-2 when the biological materials used in that laboratory are in Risk Group 2 (or higher in some cases) or are of human or primate origin. This training reviews the principles of biosafety including risk assessment and management strategies, disinfection and decontamination procedures, regulated medical waste handling and disposal, autoclave use procedures, bloodborne pathogens, spill and exposure response. This training must be renewed annually. Once you have taken this training course, you may substitute BSL-2 Biosafety Refresher training (described below) to meet the annual requirement. To register, click here. Please note we are modifying our training registration system. Training registration will be available August 1, 2022. Thank you for your patience.

BSL-2 Biosafety Refresher

BSL-2 Biosafety Refresher training satisfies the annual training requirement for Biological Safety for BSL-2 Laboratories training by introducing new topics each year that expand upon basic biosafety and infectious material handling fundamentals. Topics include new policies and procedures and additional information regarding recent or emergent safety issues identified. In order to register for BSL-2 Biosafety Refresher training, you must have previously attended Biological Safety for BSL-2 Laboratories and Laboratory Safety Orientation. To register, click here. Please note we are modifying our training registration system. Training registration will be available August 1, 2022. Thank you for your patience.

Environmental Field Safety

Environmental Field Safety training is supplemental training for instructional or research personnel who work outside of the traditional laboratory environment. This training will instruct participants on topics such as field hazard identification, appropriate attire and personal protective equipment for field work, vehicle safety, chemical safety in the field, specimen collection and transport, and proper waste management techniques. To register, email EHS at [email protected].

Laboratory Safety Awareness

Tour groups and visitors, as well as employees of George Mason University who need to access laboratories but who do not work in a laboratory (i.e., Facilities, Police, etc.,) must receive Laboratory Safety Awareness training before entering or touring university laboratories. This training provides a brief overview of laboratory hazard recognition, appropriate laboratory attire, and what actions should be taken by visitors in the event of an emergency. Training is provided as needed. To request Laboratory Safety Awareness training, email EHS at [email protected].

Laboratory Safety Orientation

All personnel working in George Mason University laboratories are required to participate in Laboratory Safety Orientation. Those who work in a BSL-2 laboratory must attend Laboratory Safety Orientation as well as Biological Safety for BSL-2 Laboratories.

Laboratory Safety Orientation will serve as the foundation for all participants who are new to George Mason scientific instructional or research laboratories. This course will instruct participants on Mason-specific laboratory safety policies and procedures, chemical safety and hygiene, risk assessment and management, waste management guidelines, and emergency response information. This course will also introduce participants to best practices for chemical and non-infectious biological material work within the laboratory as well as services available to laboratory personnel through EHS.

This training must be renewed annually (either via Laboratory Safety Refresher, or via BSL-2 Biosafety Refresher for BSL-2 participants). To register, click here. Please note we are modifying our training registration system. Training registration will be available August 1, 2022. Thank you for your patience.

Laboratory Safety Refresher

Laboratory Safety Refresher training satisfies the annual training requirement for Laboratory Safety Orientation training by introducing new topics each year that expand upon basic safety fundamentals and regulations covered in the Laboratory Safety Orientation course. Topics include new policies and procedures, personal protection, hazard identification, and additional information about safety issues in laboratories such as waste management, inventory management, spill and exposure response, proper use of engineering controls, and decontamination procedures. In order to register for Laboratory Safety Refresher training, you must have previously attended Laboratory Safety Orientation training. To register, click here.

Radiation Safety

Laboratory personnel who wish to use radioactive materials are required to take Radiation Safety training before beginning work with radioactive materials. This training provides basic information on the principles of radiation, health risks associated with radioactive materials, radiation protection guidelines, radiation survey instruments, and laboratory procedures for conducting radiation surveys, managing waste, and storing and handling radioactive materials. To register, individuals should complete a Radiation User Authorization Form and email EHS at [email protected].

Robinson Ventilation

Due to the complexities of the air handling system and the mixed use of Robinson Hall, EHS has established this training session for those responsible for laboratory courses in Robinson Hall. This training includes means by which to optimize the air handling system and to verify that it is activated, and storage requirements and waste handling procedures for dissection. This training includes Chemical Safety training and therefore participants receive course credit for both Robinson Ventilation and Chemical Safety training when they attend this session. Training must be renewed annually. To register, email EHS at [email protected].