Environmental Health & Safety

Emergency Management Resources

Emergency Contacts and Services at Mason

ServicePhone NumberWebsite

University Information

University Switchboard703-993-1000George Mason University (Home)

Campus Information

Fairfax Campus Information703-993-1000Fairfax Campus
Arlington Campus Information703-993-8999Arlington Campus
Science and Technology Campus Information703-993-8350Prince William Campus
Loudoun Campus703-993-1000Loudoun Campus
Environmental Health and Safety Office703-993-8448EHS

Facilities, Construction, and Parking

Facilities Management703-993-2525Facilities
Facilities Customer Service703-993-2525Facilities Customer Service

Construction at Mason703-993-2525Construction
Parking and Transportation703-993-2710Parking and Transportation

Student Health Services (SHS)

Fairfax Campus SHS703-993-2831SHS
Arlington Campus SHS703-993-4836SHS
Science and Technology Campus SHS703-993-8374SHS

University Life

University Life703-993-2884University Life

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and Student Support and Advocacy Center (SSAC)


University Police

Emergency & Non-Emergency703-993-2810University Police
Victim / Witness Services703-993-2810Victim/Witness Assistance Program

Fairfax Campus (Police)703-993-2810Fairfax - University Police
Arlington Campus (Police)703-993-8070Arlington - University Police
Science and Technology Campus (Police)703-993-8370Science and Technology - University Police
Loudoun Campus (Police)703-993-2810Loudoun - University Police
Crime Solvers Program703-993-4111Crime Solvers
Escort Service703-993-4357Police Escort Service

Be Prepared

The following information is intended to serve as a preparatory resource for emergency situations. If you are currently experiencing an emergency situation or are in need of immediate assistance, please contact the University Police by dialing 911 from an on-campus phone or 703-993-2810 from an off-campus phone.

In case of emergency, we recommend that you program the off-campus number, 703-993-2810, into your cell phone so that it is readily available.

Emergency Preparedness App

Rave Guardian is a campus safety mobile application that enhances preparedness and safety on-campus using interactive features and allowing students to create a virtual network of friends, family and campus safety personnel. The application also includes anonymous, two-way crime reporting through text and picture messaging. The application is available to anyone with a university email address for free through the iTunes store and the Google Play store.

Emergency Preparedness Flipbooks

guidebookThe Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) provides Emergency Procedures Guide flipbooks for, students, faculty, and staff. This pocket sized resource contains information on how to prepare for and respond to emergencies that may occur on campus to include: building evacuation, severe weather, shelter-in-place procedures, on-campus violence, regional emergencies, medical emergencies, and emergency contact numbers.

  • Students: Flipbooks are available for pick up from University Information kiosks at Student Centers and information desks on the Fairfax and regional campuses.
  • Employees: EHS will deliver Emergency Preparedness Guides to university offices upon request. Please contact safety@gmu.edu and provide your contact information and number of guides desired for your office.

Emergency Procedures Posters

Emergency Procedures posters have been updated to reflect current best practices and additional information. The Emergency Procedures Poster is available in two sizes; 8.5 x 13 or 15.5 x 24 inches. If would like to obtain posters for your work area please send a request to safety@gmu.edu with the number and size of posters desired.

Emergency Guides

The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) has developed Emergency Preparedness Guides that provide information on how to prepare and respond to emergencies that may occur on campus to include: building evacuation, severe weather, shelter-in-place procedures, on-campus violence, earthquakes, regional emergencies, and medical emergencies.

 Agencies and Associations